Tag Archives: training

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Workshop Leadership Dinamica @NERD Trainers

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Uno dei buoni risultati del lockdown è stata la collaborazione tra colleghi formatori. Grazie alle occasioni di incontro su Facilita2020 (*) è nato il mitico gruppo dei formatori NERD (Narratori di Esperienze Resilienti Digitali), un gruppo di 30 professionisti che a turno una volta al mese ci auto-formiamo, In co-docenza, offriamo un workshop gratuito al resto del gruppo.

Il 30 Novembre è stata la mia volta, ed assieme a Barbara Dardi, abbiamo ideato un workshop per far conoscere le 5 Sedie di Louise Evans in un format partecipativo e stimolante, abbiamo chiamato il nostro workshop 5 Sedie, 5 Scelte (ispirato dal libro di Louise Evans)  Sperimentazione di Leadership Dinamica.

Il laboratorio è stato dedicato alla sperimentazione della leadership dinamica, ed è stata la possibilità per migliorare la gestione dei comportamenti, conoscere meglio la comunicazione non-violenta e quindi migliorare la comunicazione e determinare il vostro/nostro successo.

Gli strumenti che abbiamo usato sono stati menti, jamboard, googledocs, zoom e breakoutrooms.

Dopo una prima condivisione delle 5 sedie siamo entrati in simulazione comportamentale usando un trigger, ovvero di un uomo che dice ad una collega in una riunione “Stai zitta donna”….e tu come ti saresti comportato, quali emozioni, quali pensieri, quale reazioni, quale impatto sulla relazione, ed anche nel gruppo di lavoro? Prendere consapevolezza è chiaro, abbiamo tutti la LIBERTA’ DI SCEGLIERE come essere….

Gli obiettivi del workshop che abbiamo definito sono:

  • acquisire consapevolezza del nostro modo di essere in diverse situazioni e il nostro impatto legato anche ai nostri bisogni;
  • acquisire strumenti per scegliere come relazionarci e trasformare dinamiche individuali e di gruppo;
  • potenziare le competenze di leadership individuale/empowerment .

Un grazie di cuore a tutti i partecipanti del Laboratorio del 30 Novembre e alla mia co-facilitatrice @BarbaraDardi.

Un grazie speciale a @LouiseEvans scrittrice del modello delle @the5chairs che ci ha onorato della sua sorpresa finale!!

Molto bello conoscersi sperimentando insieme e imparando gli uni con gli altri.


(*) Organizzato da Gerardo de Luzenberger, con la facilitazione di Pierre Houben e dalla mia amica Alessandra Scala


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Resolving Conflict – Success story using Communication Compatibility Vision Cards

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A group of people in front of a house Description automatically generated

Together with a group of friends, we gather once a month to share our personal experiences in relation to a theme. Our last gathering was in the peaceful setting of the Casentino Valley in Italy, where, surrounded by the powerful green of thousands of chestnut trees, we agreed to experience the theme “how do we reach important decisions in life”.

The theme was brought to us by Simon, a Benin refugee who escaped 3 years ago from his homeland, leaving behind his wife and three children, in the hope to build the foundations for a better life. Once settled in Italy, he could have then proceeded with the “family reunification”. During these last 3 years in Italy, Simon managed to learn Italian, find a job, integrate into society, as well as create a living for his whole family. He was ready to reunite the family, but the Italian bureaucracy was taking ages.

While waiting for this paperwork, and for the eighth year in a row, Simon tried applying to the USA Green card lottery, with no luck until this year, when his wife tried on his behalf. His wife was the one who received the official USA communication that they won the lottery! His wife was so excited, that she accepted the nomination and chose New York without consulting with her husband, who meanwhile had also received the paperwork from the Italian government. Problems of mistrust and miscommunication started, the couple started to crack, mainly because these life decisions are to be taken together as a family, not alone.

With all these emotions in motion before our friendly gathering, it was important for Simon, to use our gathering to get us all to share our personal experiences, and probably also to get some clearance on his feelings and support for his final decision: to join his family in USA and risk not succeeding after one year (green card coverage) or to push for his family’s relocation in Italy where his life is stable.

For our working session, we regrouped in groups of three to share our personal stories on decision-making, and we also had to prepare a sketch. The afternoon was remarkably interesting.

Despite our positive experience as a group, I could feel Simon needed further sharing and clearance. I asked Simon if he was happy to have a quiet moment for himself where I would share with him a playful yet serious game, the Ideal and current reality workshop” using the CCS image cards. He was incredibly happy to sit and to start imagining what is and what could be.

He shared one card at a time, sharing his interpretation and feelings. As he shared, his eyes brightened up. With the aid of the visuals (images) he was “seeing” the expression of a bright present.

Simon chose the first 5 cards representing his current reality, and then 5 cards representing his ideal reality. He shared one card at a time, sharing his interpretation and feelings. As he shared, his eyes brightened up. With the aid of the visuals (images) he was “seeing” the expression of a bright present. Soon after, he started sharing his ideal reality, and each image was becoming progressively real to him, he felt he was already touching his future!

He was not complete, he asked permission to move the cards around, which of course can be done. He decided to move the “ideal reality” images to the right of his “current reality”, all in a row. Taking his time to observe the chosen images, his energy level picked up, he was feeling lighter and relieved. His body language changed to a much more open posture and he smiled. He was accepting (with all mind, heart, and body) the choice his wife made on their behalf and he started projecting “their” life in New York as “one” family.

I indulged and asked him if he wished to go through the cards again and find an image which would represent an “enabling” card to make the ideal be reality. He chose a card that for him, represented “confidence”. He expanded and shared that he needed to have more self-confidence, as well as trust in this family decision, which was no longer his wife’s decision alone. By the end of our session together, all negative emotions had disappeared, he was ready for his ideal present. His heart was full of gratitude, and all bitterness towards the situation and his wife was removed. He was so thankful to the CCS methodology and cards, that he asked to buy the cards and use them to unveil his emotions and improve his communication in the future.

Simon did not feel alone anymore and was now clear on what needed to be done.

Note: Should you require further information and wish to purchase or receive training using the CCS Cards, please do contact me at elena@pianiprojects.com or +39 346 0846579. 

CCS has been widely used over the past 25 years and is an incredible tool for a variety of activities, from one to one coaching, to group facilitation and further. I can distribute CCS cards and deliver related workshops to you over Italy and Europe, in person, or online.

You can also visit CCS Corporation Australia website: https://ccs.cards/




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Citizenship for Climate Change, addressing Wishes vs Needs for Sustainability

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We all own a piece of the world we live in today. This video does not show the interrelations of a new thinking concerning consumer behaviour. It is an invitation to look at one self before accusing governments or corporations. The Am I list is just an example, we should be questioning many more of our current actions and opportunities. Where there is a change, lies an opportunity for innovation, and we should face this positively to rediscover the illimitate resources of good human nature.

One question to reflect upon is for me: If we really could get to the levels of the “ideal” climate change, how would the younger generations react to their change of lifestyle oand not only lifestyle, but also education? What would have to disappear and what would emerge?

Link to WEF video: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/03/these-five-exercise-regimes-will-help-society-and-your-health/
Link il sole 24ore: https://www.affaritaliani.it/economia/sole24ore-verso-la-sfida-digitale-piattaforma-multimediale-servizi-premium-612248.html?refresh_ce
Timing 1:30 – Uno Mattina 20/09/2019 – https://www.raiplay.it/video/2019/09/Unomattina-53b91796-f142-49d9-9e2d-a3b45c2ee91c.html
Link Global Strike: https://globalclimatestrike.net/
Link Piani Projects: www.pianiprojects.com