Tag Archives: Africa

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Capacity Building in Strategic communications, Media, Branding and Visibility for EOL grantees in the West and Central Africa Region – 60 hours trainer and mentor for 18 NGOs in French

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Continuing with its leadership in international cooperation projects COSPE won the request for consultancy services to Education Out Loud (EOL) grantees in the West and Central Africa Region under the EOL Regional Management Unit for West and Central Africa Region (RMU WCA) based in Accra, Ghana.

COSPE hired my services to deliver 60 hours training and mentoring in Strategic Communications to 18 French speaking NGOs (52 participants coming from over 15 different countries) over the month of June-July and August.

The work included, all in French, pre-evaluation of the 18 NGOS communication plans, development of the training materials, delivery, mentoring of each NGO as well as reporting on the class participation, progress and learning outcomes.

These oragnisations are fighting for education for all (Education Pour Tous – EPT) – come of their challenges are rural and urban disparities, social inclusion of disabled children, infrastructure, irresponsible governments, prejudice against education for female (religious and cultural issues) for those who are getting married as minors/adolescents or had Female genital mutilation (FGM), children as soldiers, and going through war and disruption, not to mentioned the climate crisis.

It was a huge challenge to work within tight time constraints, and each organisation is not only different, but also country specific issues were to be managed into the plan development. Wow!

We all learned so much from each other. They improved their strategic communications, and I was inspired by their passion to create a sustainable Africa by 2063. Advocacy of education in their countries, engaging stakeholders using the media their country would enable them to develop.

The beneficiaries were Communication, Administration and Programme staff drawn from the 22 grantee organisations and 67 participants from across Francophone (18 CSOs and 53 participants) and Lusophone (4 CSOs and 14 participants) countries under EOL WCA RMU organised in two languages classes.


  1.  Coalition Nigérienne des Associations Syndicats et ONG de Campagne EPT (ASO-EPT) Niger;
  2. CONAMEPT Madagascar;
  3. CBO/EPT Benin
  4. Regroupement Education pour Tous et Toutes (REPT) Haïti;
  5. CEFAN Cameroon;
  6. Coalition tunisienne pour l’education Tunisie
  7. COSOCIDE Tchad;
  8.  MSIS TATAO Madagascar;
  9. DEDRAS Benin
  10. Coalition Pour L’education pour tous BAFASHEBIGE Burundi;
  11. CNEPT/BF Burkina Faso;
  12.  GRADE Niger
  13. CNT/EPT Togo;
  14.  Coalition des organisations Mauritaniennes pour l’Education COMEDUC Mauritania;
  15. RIPEPT RCI Côte D’ivoire
  17. CNG/EPT Guinee;
  18. COSYDEP Senegal.


  1.  Rede EPT Angola
  2. RNCEPT Cape Verde
  3. RECEPT-GB Guine-Bissau
  4. MEPT Mozambique

The technical course, before the mentoring included the following contents:

  1. How to identify organisation strategic communication objectives, taking into account organisation dimension, objectives, dedicated resources
  2. How to define targets, key messages, specific actions and channels taking into account specific context
  3. Elaborating a simple communication strategy and a communication plan
  4. How to deal with media: knowledge of media context, tools and strategy for a fruitful interaction
  5. How to define the roles of internal and, eventually, external providers/actors
  6. How to develop a CSOs ethical branding and marketing
  7. How to measure communication impact

About EOL

EOL is an advocacy and social accountability funding mechanism of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), dedicated to supporting capacity building of civil society organisations and enhancing their engagement in education policy processes. Funded by Global Partnership for Education (GPE), EOL is managed by Oxfam IBIS as the Grant Agent. The overall goal of the EOL programme is to enhance civil society capacity to further GPE 2020 goals in learning, equity, and stronger systems, by improving the par_cipa_on of civil society, their efforts to strengthen advocacy, and to ensure transparency and increased effectiveness in educational policy and implementaton processes.

EOL Program objectives

1. Strengthen national civil society engagement in education planning, policy dialogue and monitoring.

2. Strengthen civil society roles in promoting the transparency and accountability of national educational sector policy and implementation; and

3. Create a stronger global and transnational enabling environment for national civil society advocacy and transparency efforts.

The above objectives also translate to what is referred to as Operational Components (OCs).

Please see https://www.educationoutloud.org for further details about EOL.

Background to the project

The EOL program has a deliberate intention to culivate a learning culture among its grantees and promote application of knowledge learned for adaptive management in their day-to-day operations.

In this project EOL aimed to build the capacity of grantees in Strategic communications, use of the media, branding and visibility.

I strongly encourage you follow EOL and subscribe to the GPE newsletter https://www.globalpartnership.org/subscribe

And of course, support and donate also to COSPE https://www.cospe.org/cosa-puoi-fare-tu/donazione-liberale/

Education is our changemaking topic for sustainable development.


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To ensure our Sustainable Development, the climate crisis cannot be tackled alone.

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Youth4Climate[1]. Climate crisis & Africa. Ms. Nakate talks about funds to fight the climate crisis, but how many other problems are there to be solved?

#Poverty and #food are the first sustainable development goals, and certainly, climate change is causing problems to the procurement of food and healthy food for humans and animals, not to talk about the preservation of #biodiversity. However, according to the FAO also conflicts and population growth impact food insecurity[2] .

In 2007, I had the opportunity to travel 6000KM in Mali, one of the 25 poorest countries in the world[3] (source IMF 2021). I found no sewage infrastructure, nor waste management, and #plastics everywhere. In Mali I often heard people say “Le Plastique c’est Magnifique”, but plastic bags and waste are the football fields of children in Timbuktu and the food of few animals. Together with oil pipeline leaks, the very few aquifers are polluted, and the waste causes hazardous air and soil quality to ensure human and animal #life.

Access to #cleanwater causes terrible disease[4] , and more than 2 billion people in the world do not have access to clean water, causing over 830 million deaths.

Not to mention #children as soldiers and the absence of #infrastructures, which cannot be an answer for our sustainable development. Over the last 20 years, international #cooperation has evolved towards a #knowledge transfer system and with #microcredit, new agricultural enterprises are born and thanks to the internet #women have access to learning about #market prices for their primary resources and not only. The latest data shows how women are leapfrogging into digital agriculture[5] (UN link below), which is very encouraging.

Last but not the least, access to #education persists, only 30 to 50% of secondary-school-aged children are attending school, while only 7 to 23% of tertiary-school-aged youth are enrolled[6]

Female genital mutilation (#MFG) is a big issue, with 91.5 million girls over 9 years of age victims of this practice, in Sudan ’88% of women aged between 15 and 49 years old have experienced some MFG[7].

Africa is picking up all the challenges, an amazing continent, with also so many natural resources[8] and amazing cultures which still today respect Mother Earth, yet another problem is corruption[9]. Not only money is powerful, but also religion, food and politics drive many of the population in a direction which is not where the continent could be.

What would Africa be if it hadn’t experienced colonialism? How much has our Western world learned from 54 African countries and over 3000 tribes?

The climate crisis is not the only objective we need to mitigate to achieve sustainable development.

#SDGs #stakeholder #listening #weareinthisalltogether #sustainabledevelopment #socialbehaviour #changemanagement #economy #demandandsupply #awareness


  1. https://apnews.com/article/climate-change-business-science-summits-africa-aa79d1c9b8e056c3eea04bd8d93381b2
  2. https://www.fao.org/3/x8406e/X8406e01.htm
  3. https://www.infodata.ilsole24ore.com/2021/05/03/quali-sono-i-25-paesi-piu-poveri-del-mondo-infographic/
  4. https://www.unicef.it/media/oltre-220-milioni-di-bambini-in-africa-in-condizioni-di-insicurezza-idrica/ and https://www.repubblica.it/solidarieta/cooperazione/2019/03/04/news/acqua_pulita_piu_di_una_persona_su_quattro_nel_mondo_non_ne_ha_accesso-220717312/
  5. https://www.un.org/africarenewal/web-features/africa-leapfrogging-digital-agriculture
  6. https://www.un.org/africarenewal/magazine/december-2017-march-2018/africa-grapples-huge-disparities-education#:~:text=It%20is%20widely%20accepted%20that,still%20remain%20out%20of%20school.
  7. https://www.africarivista.it/africa-ferita-la-lotta-contro-le-mutilazioni-genitali-femminili/180268/
  8. Africa is home to some 30 percent of the world’s mineral reserves, eight per cent of the world’s natural Gas and 12 per cent of the world’s oil reserves.  The continent has 40 percent of the world’s gold and up to 90 percent of its chromium and platinum. The largest reserves of cobalt, diamonds, platinum and uranium in the world are in Africa. It holds 65 per cent of the world’s arable land and ten percent of the planet’s internal renewable fresh water source. https://www.unep.org/regions/africa/our-work-africa
  9. https://www.economist.com/leaders/2011/02/10/spread-the-wealth