Introducing the IDGs to EEE Virtual Unconference 2024

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Introducing the IDGs to EEE Virtual Unconference 2024

During the last EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION EUROPE UNCONFERENCE ( I was delighted to introduce the IDGs Inner Development Goals – Inner Development for Outer Change Framework to my trainer colleagues.

Feedback was great, we really need to work on the being to deliver on the UN2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

I was glad to also share the IDG platform and tools and to deliever for example one of the workshops to build trust, which is a clear value which we fail to work on, and we are never ready to live this value so deeply as we should.

Let us know if you want to learn more and if you wish to set up a trainign session on one of the 23 skills for your organisation. We collaborate with many IDG hubs around the globe.