
Comunicazione Strategica

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Comunicazione Funzionale

Comunicare procedure e risultati in maniera più efficace

Comunicazione Creativa

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Attività Recenti

Introducing the IDGs to EEE Virtual Unconference 2024

During the last EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION EUROPE UNCONFERENCE ( I was delighted to introduce the IDGs Inner Development Goals – Inner Development for Outer Change Framework to my trainer colleagues. Feedback was great, we really need to work on the being to deliver on the UN2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. I was glad to also share

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Disability Management: Coach & Pubblicazione Buone Pratiche Inclusione

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Da Febbraio a Maggio 2024, la mia figura professionale di coach sulla diversity equity & inclusion è stata richiesta per l’affiancamento di due figure legge 68/99 per il loro inserimento professionale in azienda quale Findomestic. Questa decisione da parte dell’impresa di andare oltre la cogenza ha richiesto la collaborazione di diversi stakeholder, e fondamentale per la

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What is a Just Transition? Cosa vuol dire Transizione Giusta?

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Condivido con piacere un video che ho aiutato a tradurre sul tema della transizione giusta. Full report ( Executive summary mapping ( Una transizione giusta va oltre la semplice decarbonizzazione: si tratta di assicurare che il passaggio a un’economia sostenibile sia equo e inclusivo per tutti. Mentre il mondo si impegna a limitare il

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Capacity Building in Strategic communications, Media, Branding and Visibility for EOL grantees in the West and Central Africa Region – 60 hours trainer and mentor for 18 NGOs in French

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Continuing with its leadership in international cooperation projects COSPE won the request for consultancy services to Education Out Loud (EOL) grantees in the West and Central Africa Region under the EOL Regional Management Unit for West and Central Africa Region (RMU WCA) based in Accra, Ghana. COSPE hired my services to deliver 60 hours training

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Formazione Retail Automotive Multibrand: Percorso Accreditamento Area Negoziale – Valorizzazione della Customer Experience

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  Nel quadro del rebranding della più importante multinazionale automotive, la crescita e sviluppo delle competenze retail non si deve arrestare. Come per tutte le fusioni, alcune delle sfide sono il trasferimento di una cultura organizzativa e anche conoscenza di nuovi processi e prodotti, si perché le metodologie di vendita sono simili, ma non uguali,

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Formazione Sostenibilità e Circolarità per Federmanager Toscana

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Dal 2020, Federmanager Toscana ha scelto di investire nella formazione tecnica e esperienziale sulla Sostenibilità e Circolarità. Nella sede di Firenze, il 13 Giugno 2023, un gruppo di manager ha partecipato alla giornata formativa per assimilare termini e aspetti della sostenibilità ESG, nonché apprendere i diversi modelli di business circolari ed ibridi, utili a innovare

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Elena Piani started working as Trade Officer in the Economic and Scientific department of the Embassy of Israel in Rome in January 2005, when I served as Head of the Department. Mrs. Piani immediately stood out for her professionalism, dedication and enthusiasm, the creative ideas she contributed to the department, her excellent interpersonal skills, and her diverse talents, including her proficiency in 4 languages. Elena has been very successful in the entire broad spectrum of the department's operations, both in team tasks and in individual assignments. Her assignments included promoting complex projects, as well as developing and managing relationships with key players in the fields of economy, industry, trade, science and technology, and agriculture. The main emphases of her duties focused on sustainable development, research and development, environmental technologies (in particular renewable energies and waste management), and agri-technologies. Mrs. Piani also supported our endeavors towards the UN agencies located in Rome, mainly the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Food Program, as well as cooperation projects at EU level. Elena Piani's work contributed significantly to the remarkable growth in trade and economic cooperation between Israel and Italy.

Moderchai Denis Paul Rodgold

( Diplomat, Former Ambassador of Israel to Austria, OSCE, UN & International Organisations in Vienna )

Di ritorno da un mio viaggio di lavoro a Parigi, avevo portato con me l’idea di lavorare sulle disabilità invisibili in modo concreto attraverso un team building. Ho proposto a Elena di costruire insieme questo nuovo format lavorando sul tema della brigata di cucina e lei ha accolto con entusiasmo la sfida. Non è stato semplice costruire da zero un percorso inedito in Italia: Elena, con grande perseveranza, accuratezza e positività è riuscita, giorno dopo giorno, a costruire un format efficace, coinvolgente e emozionante. Una formula che considero “ un fiore all’occhiello “ del mio percorso come Diversity Officer. Grazie Elena

Simona Piva HR Project Manager-Diversity Officer & People Care presso Findomestic Banca

( Dicembre 2020 )

Elena è stata una collega preziosa per la progettazione e la formazione esperienziale offerta agli importatori EMEA di Alfa Romeo MY2020. La sua esperienza nelle multinazionali e nel marketing, unite alle competenze interculturali e linguistiche, hanno permesso una perfetta ideazione del percorso e anche della nostra esperienza in aula. Gli importatori si sono sentiti coinvolti, attivati e hanno imparato a collaborare per ideare nuove modalità di vendita fondamentali al raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali. Spero di avere presto nuove occasioni di collaborazione con Elena, è bello trovare colleghi generativi come lei!

Luciano Mancini Co-founder and partner Amisura Consulenza s.r.l.

( February 2021 )

Elena Corinne is one of the most engaging and supportive mentor I've ever worked with. Her knowledge of communication strategy, stakeholder engagement and project management has led me to numerous professional accomplishments, which would not be achieved without her supports. As my mentor, Elena worked to ensure I was challenged with opportunities to learn and grow, providing strong mentorship and feedback. Elena is forward-looking and has a skill to identify future trends and challenges with strong vision. She is an incredible role model and one of the most talented people I know. I am happy to be contacted with questions or for further feedback.

Zobaer Ahmed – Erasmus Mundus Scholar (2018-2019) at Humboldt University of Berlin and Visiting Research Fellow at Florence University

( 3 November 2018 )

Elena Piani è una grande professionista oltre ad essere una bellissima persona. Grazie ad Elena abbiamo lavorato con grande impegno per gestire al meglio la comunicazione , atteggiamenti ed emozioni al fine di migliorare il clima aziendale e lo spirito di squadra. Con il suo aiuto abbiamo ridefinito Mission , Vision, condiviso i nostri Valori e definiti i nuovi Obiettivi. Sono stati rivisti i mansionari, i ruoli e le responsabilità tenendo conto delle peculiarità , abilità ed ambizioni di ognuno. Abbiamo lavorato sulla crescita professionale e personale in un’ottica di miglioramento della qualità non solo lavorativa ma della vita in genere. Grazie ad Elena tutti sono ripartiti con grinta ed un ritrovato entusiasmo per il proprio lavoro !!! GRAZIE ELENA!!!

Marzia Fantone – Consulente Marketing e Corsi Marketing presso Varie aziende operanti nel settore dell’estetica professionale

( 15 Novembre 2018 )

I had the chance to work with Elena and appreciate her structured and well organized consultancy skills despite her young age. She's always been very purposeful and determined in pursuing her goals, always adding value to the team with new creative ideas and solutions. Furthermore, she's always shown a deep and thorough business sense towards the Client and his needs.

Alessandro Tringali – Senior Manager at Accenture

( November 24, 2015 )

I have been working with Elena for 2 years. Elena proved out to be a skilled professional that perform any task in a responsible and efficient manners. She demonstrated very strong organizational and management abilities and is very orderly, with the ability to learn quickly and perform independently. Elena developed strong working relations with various diplomatic levels in the UN Food and Agricultural agencies. Her analytical, organizational and interpersonal skills applied to fully support the bilateral trade department activities. Elena was essential in organizing promotional campaigns and events, political and enterprise delegation visits to Israel, economic press office management and keeping the economic section website updated. Her language abilities and her overall drive and spirit have been an asset to the Economic Department.

Gila Rosiner – General Manager at Take Network Communication Ltd.

( October 1, 2015 )

Elena's ability to function across multiple languages and cultures makes her a tremendous asset for work involving international communications. She handles all communications with complete privacy and is a very high integrity person.

Jeff Nagel – Operating Partner at AEA Investors LP

( May 19, 2015 )

Ho avuto modo di supportare Elena e devo dire che lavorare con lei è stato un piacere. Elena è una persona molto sensibile, ma che, dietro questa sensibilità, nasconde una grande forza, un'ottima capacità di gestire lo stress in ogni situazione e delle impareggiabili doti di resilienza. E' anche un'inguaribile visionaria! Devo ammettere che ho imparato tanto da lei!

Gianluca Montagnoni – Supply Chain Project Senior Buyer presso GEA Refrigeration S.p.a.

( March 3, 2016 )

I had the pleasure of working with Elena on a CSR project at GE Oil & Gas in 2014 and would recommend her for such work.Elena conducted global research on the diverse GE philanthropy activities, produced a stakeholder map and was an active member of the team that created the CSR strategy for GE Oil & Gas . I was impressed with Elena's drive, passion, energy; and I appreciated her empowering and supportive style. Elena is a good communicator, a positive person and delivered for the team with high quality and integrity.

Neil Gazeley – GE Oil & Gas Marketing & Communications Leader

( November 27, 2015 )

Elena is an energetic, positive and result-oriented communication player who quickly gets people on-board. Her hands-on approach to diverse people and situations generate great customer's experience and long term relationships; her multi-cultural expertise and fluent command of multiple languages support her deep communication skills and inclusiveness. It has been a pleasure for me to interact with her and I look forward to future business opportunities to do so.

Francois-Xavier Louis – GE Business General Manager – Services, Execution, Transformation

( January 14, 2016 )

I worked with Elena while I was working in AVSI on a social responsibility project of General Electric, relating to migrants and refugees in southern Italy. Elena is extremely skilled and she has shown excellent mediation skills between the needs of the company and the NGO.

Paola Ferrari – High Value Partnership Manager presso Mission Bambini

( February 8, 2016 )

Working with Elena, was a great pleasure. I found her as a person with great enthusiasm, honesty and willingness to learn. She showed to be able to work under pressure. Elena also takes into consideration different points of view and keeps an eye on medium and long terms conditions, that is really a rare skill. It was a pleasure working with her.

Gian Paolo Blemur – Cargo Sales Manager Italy at IAG Cargo Ltd

( February 8, 2016 )


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